Our Patient Experience Team
The Patient Experience Team offer a free and confidential service for patients. The team can help answer any questions about your experience with the hospital, listen to your suggestions, queries and concerns and can offer advice and support for you, your relatives, carers and friends. We also welcome positive feedback and messages of thanks from patients and relatives about your experiences.
We can offer 'on the spot' advice if you have queries or difficulties about health services, provide information about hospital services and help you find other organisations or groups that may be helpful to your situation.
Our team are here to listen and respond to your queries or feedback.
Our opening hours are 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. We are situated in the North Wing, Level 1, Main Entrance.
You can contact us by calling 0800 7838058 or emailing pals@dchft.nhs.uk
Our mission is to provide outstanding care for people in ways which matter to them. Your feedback is therefore key to help us achieve this mission and continuously improve our service to all our patients.
If you were particularly impressed by the care you received from either an individual or team at Dorset County Hospital, please consider nominating them for a Hospital Hero Award.
If you would prefer to give feedback about your hospital experience via Care Opinion, please click here.
Further contact details are available here.
If you wish to make a complaint, more information about this process is available here.