Enquiries: 01305 251150

Updated 9 July 2024

Pride Network

Our Pride Network is part of our ongoing work to make DCH a fully inclusive organisation where everyone feels welcomed and valued.

It is open to all - those who identify as LGBT+ and allies - with the goals of creating a social and welcoming environment, and making DCH an organisation where everyone can bring their whole selves to work

The group will provide a social space for members as well as giving people the chance to have their say on key changes in the Trust, and offers development opportunities.

If you would like more information please get in touch with Network Chair, Anthony Homer, at pride.network@dchft.nhs.uk or on 01305 253127.

Meetings are held monthly but involvement can be through our teams group here.

Without Limits Network

The network name really captures the core value of the network to do everything in its power to break down barriers and prove that, without limits, anyone can succeed.

If you identify as having a disability, long-term health condition, or are a carer in any capacity, you are welcome to contact the Network Chair, Jack Welch, to get involved.

The network discusses barriers faced at work or with personal wellbeing and raises issues that are passed on to the Trust’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group and is making good headway with this and is seeing great responses to the issues raised so far.

As a group, the network discusses events to celebrate – such as Disability History Month – and how exactly to celebrate them.

If you want to be a part of the amazing changes happening here at the Trust or want to be a part of a community full of understanding people who will listen without judgement, drop Jack Welch an email at without.limits@dchft.nhs.uk

Without Limits Staff Network Meetings
The network meets on MS Teams on the third Friday of each month 1pm - 2pm.

If you would like to join the meetings, please email jack Welch at without.limits@dchft.nhs.uk

Ethnic Diversity Network

The Ethnic Diversity Network is determined to provide a safe, supportive, confidential space for its members to share their experiences and thoughts in an environment where individuals feel accepted and valued.

To embrace an inclusive environment at DCH, we would like to embrace the voices of individuals and put any raised issues forward into the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group for consideration. We will give members the opportunity to network with others, signpost them to improvement opportunities and encouraging cross collaboration working to bring about success.

Please email our Diversity Network Chair, Dumiso Ncube at dumiso.ncube@dchft.nhs.uk for more information or to join an upcoming meeting.

Overseas Staff Network

This network is to support our staff from overseas in terms of peer support, integrating into the local community and in creating social networking opportunities.

The network meets on the last Tuesday of each month 1pm-2.30pm in the Trust Headquarters boardroom, or you can join via MS Teams. Please email overseas.network@dchft.nhs.uk for the meeting link.