Enquiries: 01305 251150

Respiratory Medicine

Updated 8 September 2022

The Department of Respiratory Medicine at Dorset County Hospital houses a multi-disciplinary team offering a comprehensive investigation, diagnosis and management service for patients suffering from lung complaints, including:

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Asthma
  • Lung Cancer / Mesothelioma
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Interstitial Lung Diseases (e.g. fibrosing alveolitis)
  • Management of Tuberculosis Infections
  • Other respiratory illnesses

The department also specialises in less-routine respiratory problems, including:

  • Sleep-related breathing disorders (including obstructive sleep apnoea, central sleep apnoea, hypoventilation disorders, and periodic limb movement disorder)
  • Occupational disorders including asbestos-related lung disease and asthma
  • Pre-operative diagnostic assessments for those with difficult and complex medical histories

The department offers an investigative and diagnostic respiratory medicine service for managing chronic lung problems and an acute service for those who suffer a sudden worsening of their chest condition (exacerbation), or for those who experience sudden onset of serious chest symptoms. The medical team also perform a range of endoscopic procedures, from basic bronchoscopies through to medical thoracoscopy ('keyhole' diagnosis & repair of pleural problems).

The department endeavours to deliver a coordinated outpatient service designed to shorten the patient journey, from initial referral through to diagnostic testing and initiation of treatment.

Respiratory Ward and inpatient services

The respiratory ward at DCH is Moreton Ward. The medical consultants undertake daily ward rounds and daily presence for the care of inpatients is provided by the specialist registrars and a team of junior doctors. The ward team is assisted by a dedicated respiratory nurse practitioner.

Dorset Adult Integrated Respiratory Service (DAIRS)

The DAIRS service consists of a dedicated team working to reduce exacerbation rates in those patients with respiratory problems, particularly COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), and coordinate the assessment and follow up of home oxygen.

They offer support in both the patient's home and in hospital, and the team aims aid early discharge from hospital with home follow-up, and prevent admissions by the early identification of 'at-risk' patients and working closely with primary care services.

The DAIRS team also has access to some physiotherapy support.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

A Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) service is delivered in certain locations by the respiratory physiotherapists (in some other areas it is delivered by Dorset Healthcare University ​NHS Foundation Trust​). PR is targeted at individuals with particular lung disorders. This intervention has been shown to help to reduce patients' symptoms, increase quality of life and reduce exacerbations (recurrence of chest problems).


One of our respiratory nurse specialists is specifically trained in the management of Tuberculosis (TB). Her duties include identifying those people with TB infections and those with Latent TB. Screening is also carried out for new entrants into the country, and for healthcare workers. Individuals requiring private TB screening/inoculation for occupational or travel reasons can also be arranged.

Lung Cancer / Mesothelioma

Our lung cancer nurse specialists offer support to patients with lung cancer and mesothelioma and their carers. These nurses are accessible to patients, carers and members of the health care team throughout the full pathway of their care – from initial diagnosis, through investigations, treatments and also palliative care.

The Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) meets weekly and includes the cancer nurses and respiratory consultants working closely with a dedicated oncologist, thoracic surgeon and the palliative care team.

Lung function testing and sleep diagnostics

The team of respiratory clinical physiologists operates two advanced lung function laboratories at DCH. 

As well as performing the basic range of lung function tests, many other advanced procedures are available such as whole body plethysmography, methacholine challenge tests, skin allergy prick tests, cardio-pulmonary exercise testing, shunt fraction estimation, long-term and ambulatory oxygen assessments and hypoxic challenge tests (also known inappropriately as 'Fitness-To-Fly' tests).

The physiologists also perform a range of sleep investigations (from basic overnight pulse oximetry through to different versions of multi-channel polysomnography), the sleep recorders are usually issued for the patient to take home and return the following day.

For information on some of the tests performed see breathing and lung function tests on the British Lung Foundation website.

Meet the team

Dr Gerrard Phillips – Consultant Physician
Dr William McConnell – Consultant Physician
Dr Marianne Docherty – Consultant Physician
Dr Jenny Graves – Consultant Physician
*The medical team is supplemented by specialist registrars from the regional training rotation – this is their final stage of training before becoming a consultant.

Specialist Nurses
Sue Reed – DAIRS Nurse Specialist (Lead)
Samantha Mayson – DAIRS Nurse Specialist
Megan Haggerty - DAIRS Respiratory Nurse
Alex Hillcox-Smith – Lung Cancer Nurse Specialist
Anita Burnham – Macmillan Associate Lung Nurse Specialist
Erica Mason – Associate Lung Cancer Nurse Specialist​
Cherry Spivey – Associate Lung Cancer Nurse Specialist​
Emily Smith - Lung Patient Navigator & MDT Facilitator
Natalie Harper – Consultant Nurse
Nick Nadaf – Respiratory Nurse Practitioner

Clinical Physiologists
Chris Jones – Senior Chief Clinical Physiologist
Cat Morgan - Chief Clinical Physiologist 
Naomi Johnson - Respiratory Clinical Physiologist

Georgie Lee – Team Lead Respiratory Physiotherapist
Claire Peak – Pulmonary Rehabilitation Lead Physiotherapist​
Rachel Senior - Respiratory Physiotherapy Lead

Secretarial/administrative staff
Gill Monger - Medical Secretary (Admin Team Leader) 
Secretary to Dr Gerrard Phillips
Ext 5259

Rebecca Churchill - Medical Secretary 
Secretary to Dr Jenny Graves
Ext 4569

Amanda Lepage - Medical Secretary
Secretary to Dr Will McConnell and Dr Marianne Docherty
Ext 3962

Sue Matthews – DAIRS Administrator
Ext 3255

Clarice Peterkin - Physiology Team's Administrator
Lung Function and Sleep Bookings
Ext 5420 

Mary McComb - Respiratory Physiotherapy Administrator

Contact us

01305 255420 (Lung Function and Sleep Appointments)
01305 253131 (DAIRS)
01305 255259 (All other enquiries)

Direct Line